On Ice Officials

Do you have a second year Peewee or older child or know of a former SYHA skater that wants to get their certification to ref hockey games paid for?
The Stoughton Hockey Board has agreed to reimburse the cost for the certification for any current or former SYHA skater that meets the following criteria:
- Second year Peewee or Older
- Must have Skated For SYHA
- Must ref at least two SYHA Games this upcoming season.
Once your new referee finishes their second game for SYHA on their check in addition to the per game fee will the the $100 reimbursed.
Stoughton Hockey has been able to secure two level 3 officials for the upcoming season that are eager to take the next batch of on ice officials under their wing.
Janesville is hosting a Referee Seminar on October 30th.
Registration instructions are at the link below:
Referee Registration Instructions
Please contact President@stoughtonhockey.com with any questions on this opportunity.
For additional information on the officials clinic in Janesville please contact Eschady@yahoo.com